Robert O Young PhD DSc – Sick and Tired? says that Far Infrared Saunas burn calories and in response to the warming effect of Far-Infrared heart rate cardiac output and metabolic rate increase. 

These reactions provide a passive exercise effect. Far-Infrared has been researched by NASA and determined to be an ideal way to maintain astronauts’ cardiovascular fitness during space flights

Weight Management

Burns Calories and Controls Weight Producing Sweat Pumping Blood and Burning Calories 
You Lose Weight not Just Water

How about Weight Loss 
and the Higher Health Far Infrared Sauna

Our lives are so busy you could relax using the Higher Health Wellness Centre Far Infrared Sauna and tick several things off your to-do list at the same time. Relaxing is stress relief, meditating with the guide to happiness CD provided, detox as the Far Infrared Sauna promotes detoxification of the heavy metals, organic chemicals stored in fat cells  

 Assists weight loss and increases metabolism: burns up to 600 calories or more in 30 minutes which is the same as running for a half hour 

Improves circulation to deep and superficial tissues
Accelerates the breakdown of fat and cellulite  
The heat of far infrared sauna penetrates almost two inches beneath the skin and can melt fat deposits there  
When fat is discharged from the skin in the form of sweat, the fat carries out with it heavy metals that cannot be discharged by either the kidneys or the lungs 
The Far Infrared Sauna is very different it has to be Far Infrared to get these benefits

Medical Studies Have Show That Most Toxins Can Be Eliminated Through The Skin Taking The Burden Away From The Liver And Kidneys

Dr Aaron M Flickstein says of Far Infrared Saunas and Weight Loss that you can  
‘Burn 900-2,400 calories in one 30 minute session Some weight loss authorities believe that our bodies use fat to dilute toxins. As an IR (infrared) Thermal System is an unsurpassed expeller of toxins 

Far Infrared Sauna Enhances Circulation and Oxygenation of Tissues, Utilizing the Skin as a Major Elimination Organ

Far Infrared Saunas

Far Infra red saunas are a great way to help your body release stored toxins and promote relaxation. Perspiration is a essential part of the detoxification process

Monday Special Massage & Sauna 90 Minute Wellness Pamper Package

Stimulate collagen and elastin growth, promote cell renewal and bring plumpness and tone to the skin with this 90-minute powerhouse facial.

Today with water and airborne pollution, toxic chemicals, heavy metals and poor dietary and exercise habits, the therapeutic internal cleansing of regular sweating is critical to maintain a healthy body and mind .

Pain Management

Higher Health Far Infrared Sauna As An Addition To Your Pain Management Program

Far Infrared Sauna helps peripheral blood vessels dilate, bringing relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries.

FIR also reduces suffering from many forms of arthritis it helps relieve aches and pain, it also improves skin tone and elasticity  more quickly reducing scarring, improves the immune system and resistance to disease is increased. If you only did one thing to increase your Wellness Factor this could be it.

Far Infra red saunas are a great way to help your body release stored toxins and promote relaxation. Perspiration is a essential part of the detoxification process ... It is a comfortable heat not a heat heat of traditional Hot Stone Saunas
Robert O Young PhD DSc
- Sick and Tired? 1999 says  
Far-Infrared has been used throughout Europe and Asia to treat a wide array of muscular-skeletal ailments.  Conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia, backache, sprains and strains often benefit from this deeply penetrating heat. Far-Infrared stimulates cardio output and causes blood vessels to dilate the enhanced blood flow brings pain relief and healing to muscles and other soft tissues’
Dr Roger Berton  – Chiropractic Physician 
The Benefits of Far Infrared Saunas 
Pain relief and management from conditions such as chronic low back pain, rheumatic arthritis, and more recently cancer therapy 
Infrared Sauna Therapy has been used to relieve symptoms of menopause such as chills, nervousness, depression, dizziness, head and stomach aches’
Discover The Secret 45 Minute Far Infrared Sauna - Re-opening Offer @ Higher Health Wellness Centre ... whether you purchase Far Infrared Sauna special for yourself or someone else the Far Infrared Sauna at Higher Health is a great place to relax and get some 'Just For My Beautiful Self Time'..
1 hour massage and 30 minute sauna
Research shows that massage before an infrared sauna increases the therapeutic benefits of both treatments
Far Infrared Sauna Package 4 X 60 Minute Sauna Package @ $180- is perfect ...
Far Infra-red saunas are a great way to help your body release stored toxins and promote relaxation ...
Perspiration is also an essential part of the detoxification process ...

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Wellbeing Expectations

Detox Your Way To Health
 And Weight-loss 

While Spending Time Relaxing In The Higher Health Wellness Centre  
Far Infrared Sauna 
"On my Sauna Program the most exciting benefits I found were accelerated weight loss and cellulite reduction, my skin improved as did my stress" - Lynn

Higher Health Wellness Centre Far Infrared Sauna  

Using the Far Infrared Sauna as a part of your Wellness Strategy will assist as you enjoy your relaxation time knowing that you are giving your body quality support to be as healthy as possible  
One Action, So Many Benefits

Far Infrared Sauna helps peripheral blood vessels dilate, bringing relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries.
FIR also reduces suffering from many forms of arthritis it helps relieve aches and pain, it also improves skin tone and elasticity and assists to reducing scarring helps improve the immune system. Whereby resistance to disease is increased.

Most of these potentially harmful chemicals just sit there and cannot be metabolized and there is an incredibly large portion of the population that is suffering from toxic illness 
If you only do one thing to increase your "Wellness Factor" this could be it.
Our lives are so busy you could relax using the Higher Health Wellness Centre Far Infrared Sauna and tick several things off your to-do list at the same time
Relax your way to stress relief

Meditating with the guide to happiness CD provided
Detox as the Far Infrared Sauna promotes detoxification of the heavy metals and organic chemicals stored in fat cells
Assists weight loss and increases metabolism: burns up to 600 calories or more in 30 minutes which is the same as running for a half hour  Improves circulation to deep and superficial tissues 

Accelerates the breakdown of fat and cellulite , Burns calories , Aids treatment of Arthritis, Bursitis, Fibromyalgia, Backache, Sprains & strains benefit from the deeply penetrating heat , Stimulates cardio output, Causes blood vessels to dilate, Enhances blood flow thereby bringing relief and healing to muscles and other soft tissues
Robert O Young PhD DSc – Sick and Tired?
Also says that
Far Infrared Saunas burn calories and in response to the warming effect of Far-Infrared, heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increase. These reactions provide a passive exercise effect.  
Far-Infrared has been researched by NASA and determined to be an ideal way to maintain astronauts’ cardiovascular fitness during space flights 
Hospitals use the infrared cabin for the newborn babies and sports clinics use infrared lamps for the recovery of injuries
Far infrared rays are the healing and safe rays of the sun's spectrum responsible for photosynthesis
Without this wavelength there would be no life on earth 
Dr Roger Berton – Chiropractic Physician ... has this to say about the benefits of Far Infrared Saunas

’Pain relief and management from conditions such as chronic low back pain, rheumatic arthritis, and more recently cancer therapy. Infrared Sauna Therapy has also been used to relieve symptoms of menopause such as chills, nervousness, depression, dizziness, head and stomach aches.’
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